Travel - Title Pages
I never stress too much about title pages. Mostly folk flip straight past them into the rest of the album. As we get older, though, holidays merge together in your head and it's good to know what happened when if you have lots of albums.
Try to get the name of the place/ship in it:
In this page we have a photo of the ship's name (from high up on the ship) and me in a very fetching anorak with wind blown hair. Plus a little bit about why we went on the cruise. Now if only designers could get the hang of "Anchors Aweigh" and spell it properly!
This page was made mostly on my phone (see separate article on phone scrapping) using Becky Higgins' cards and some I uploaded from Just Jaimee's Storyteller series:
Title pages don't need to be complicated. For a "20 years of holidays" photobook I made for a gift for John I just included a couple of old photos and "travel stuff"